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Friday, September 25, 2009

Hari Raya

maaf zahir & batin

Buat Semua Peminat-peminat I di merata dunia, I, Apit Lopez ingin munyusun 10 jari dan ingin memohon ampun dan maaf dari hujung Rambut Dark brown sampai ke hujung kuku Kaki yang bernaiL poLish....Halal kan lah makan minum I yang tak seberapa tu....Halal kan rokok2 I yang TER hisap tu...Nak compair rokok2 yang you all mintak dari I lagik banyak...So I halal kan je....Kalau terkasah bahasa, termaki, tersumpah tersinggung perasaan, I mintak maaf banyak2...Tapi get use to it lah..Well, kata mulut I lobang PUAKA...Wakakakkaka...Dont take it to hard k...I dont mean it just gurau2 je...

Btw sorrie lah lama tak update nie blog...well bz lah kata kan...ngan family ngan kerje...No time to have fun lately...Dah lah I tunjuk gambar2 je...

Ramai peminat2 nak jumpe I, Tengok lah schedule I...BZ...

25 September 09 - Show tlg Ayunda Lestari main Kompang @ Pasir Laba Camp

26 September 09 - Jalan Raya with Mel, Khai, Mimi, Aee an
d Gang lah kan...

27 September 09 - House Visit to my cuzzin house...

.09 - 01.10.09 - WORK

02 October 09 - Jalan Raya with SLV Dance Crew

03 Oct

04 October 09 - Variasi Jalan Raya

9 - 07.10.09 - WORK 08 October 09 - Animal Farm Jalan Raya...

09 October 09 - Pastamaniac Jalan Raya...

10 October 09 - Nurul Iman Jalan Raya...

11 October 09 - ITI MT-LINE Jalan Raya

18 October 09 - DK DIan Show

24 October 09 - Sutera Show

Ahh ada nampak betapa bz nye aku?? Aku tngk pun aku takut sak.....Pening...Terpaksa I sewa baju kat Fatimah Mohsin untuk Jalan Raya....Pasal I tempah 2 baju je tak tau plak I nie di over booked...hahahhahahahaa

KK Lihat lah gambar2...the rest g my shutterfly semua dah upload....

~ { 3:03 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

9 September 2009
Logo for my dance group....

Just for your info people...I and my cuzzin decided to open a dance group....
Im the ketua and he is my partner and my Pereka Tari...
We are still new..He is also learning from other experience dancers...

Sapa2 nak join lah...Kite tk sombong...Kite blajar sama2....

~ { 1:28 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Monday, September 07, 2009

8 September 2009
Wow at last aku bukak FaceBook...hahahha...Mcm siak...

Btw aku ada lah mendengar cerita2 'Plastic'... I mean kau kata nie bulan ramadhan yan suci lagik bersih...taknak ada rasa hasrat dengki lah, iri hati lah, nak forget the past lah kan....Tetapi aku lihat...kau tak habis2 mention kekecewaan kau la pasal masa lalu..gitu lah gini lah...Obviously kau masih berdendam pe...kalau kau tk dendam kenapa kau masih nak timbul kan topic nie..Otak takmo lemer ah...Nak jahat biar jahat..Jng nak step bilang satu dunia yg kau nie baik tapi SEBALIKNYA...Wtf....Org dah tk kacau kau kenapa kau masih nk bangkit n tell people all this crap??? kalau kau betul kata nak insaf kan, you shouldnt ckp nie kat orang2 di sekiling mu...kau should just keep it to yourself...Uttering rubbish..nie org cakap 'PLASTIC' atau lebih dikenali sebagai talam 2 muka... Jng nak ya allah sini ya allah sana kalau hati masih busuk...Aku pun bleh cakap gitu pe bleh step baik dpn kau...Yg penting tanya hati sendiri ah wats ure REAL MOTIVE..Dah lah..buat darah naik je cerita pasal nie lahabau....hahahahha!!!!!!!!! PEace

Moga dipanjangkan umur dan murah rezeki dan bahagia disamping keluarga...I tak tau apa nak bagi so duit tu should be fine kan...hahahhaha...

With Granny and her Sisters including my Mum..

With her Son and Daugthers...hahahhaa

The MakaN tiMe

~ { 11:54 PM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Kompang Competition

~ { 10:51 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Sunday, August 30, 2009

29 August 2009
Happie Bdae to Khairomi AKA Mimi, May all your wishes come true...Stay Happie alwaes with your love ones especially your family....May all the good fortune come to you....Hahahahaha...

Ok, 730am bangun tdo siap2 terus meet Akin...Teman kan dia g Music & Drama Company (MDC)....Sampai Yishun Mrt 850am...Terus naik taxi cause Bunga kata 9am must be there...Sampai Nee Soon Guardhouse kul 905am...Change kite nye pass..Kite have to walk like very the far sak...Naik turun bukit...then like few meters from the place ada shuttle bus pass by kite eh...Geram je...lepas tu sampai MDC dah kepanasan...Tngh puasa nie...Akin dah amik gambar dah register lepas tu kite tunggu...Kite kene tungu kat canteen ramai tau orang kat situ...Skali MDC make anoucement for those blom register please do so...Skali semua lah kat canteen tu g register...Aku ingat Akin nye number tag is A4...Skali lepas drg duduk alek akun tngk wah dah sampai A28...Skali ada this guy kat depan kite A3..Aku ckp ngan Akin, lepas dia kau nye turn...Skali aku tngk sticker kat bju Akin is A1 eh...Terus kite KekEk2 sak...Kiasu pe A1...hahahahha...Then dapat tau drg start audition around 10 PLus cause shuttle bus start at 9am...So need to wait for the crowd...Aku macam nak cekik si Bunga tau...hahaha..Anaya kite sak...

Lepas audition end around 2Plus, kite proceed to Jelutung CC to rest...Then kul 5Plus masok Sunplaza g Pastamania, lepak kat dalam je tau..Tak makan..Kite nak tungu Kak Fifie so lepak...Kak Fifie sampai terus lepak2 bual2....Bab aku Akin and Kak Fie pun dah lama gile tak meet up...PAstu kite semua alek dalam 6plus...

Then I singgah Westmall, beli kan Mimi present...Tk tau apa nak beli so belikan Cake je...Then proceed to Umah nenek tp break-fast together...Pastu alek then tdo...hahaha...The bRothers oR shaLL I say The SisterS

My Bdae PreSent

~ { 3:46 PM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Saturday, August 29, 2009

28 August 09
Today my happiest day cause FINALLY I PASS MY BTT...hahahhaha.....

Hahahhahha....KK Last monday keje very the boring cause my Zhuhri AKA B = BestiE... Dia dah kene transfer g Arena nye outlet cause of some reason...hahahha...The memory of that event kat keje masih fresh sak, kene caught redhanded...hahahhaa...

Kk so keje macam biasa lah then aku tk tau apa lagik nak tulis...Then saturdae 1st day puasa then buka puasa at umah nenek...Mlm nye masok JB...pastu Sunday i dono wat i did also...Last week also my rider accident...nasib dia tkda pape..

Ok FYI skg nie Aku ngan call conference ngan si Zul CDM and Fana Adiratna...So sambil memblog sambil bebual so irritating aku tk tau apa yg aku blog nie...hahahhaha....
This is my Zhuhri AKA B = Besties @ werk...
Me and Wawan
The trio... They are brothers...
This is Farith...Dia nie yg baru accident...Alhamdulilah dia selamat...Tapi motor dia meningal

This is my boifrends from my camp...Teringat kan drg...Pastu tadi msg drg ajak drg buat keje tak senonoh mcm time dulu...Semua reply kekek2 sak...Aku dalam bus baca tersenyum sendiri aku rasa orang ingat aku orang gila...hahhaha

~ { 12:13 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Ok jap..before korang baca entry nie, tunggu lagu aku berkumandang dulu..jadi sesuai sikit kisah ku ini....

Hmmm...If im not wrong 1 month before kolej 56 production ada VPA meeting at BBE...I was invited..Dalam meeting tu ada reshuffling of commitee...I was told if im not wrong Wardrobe Master or Assistant Wardrobe...After that I did my job bersih kan tu store yang macam Kandang Babi...Bersih tau..After few weeks aku dengar dah back to square 1...Tak pasal..Then due to some reason and work commitment aku backout from the Production..Im surpose to be Image Codinator..Tapi found out VPA has found somebody else and that person was being paid to do the job..So im ok...Back then pun schedule aku pun rabak...

Then last friday evening around 10 plus, I came to know that there is VPA management meeting on that day and I wasnt informed...Tu takpe I ask Aee is my name on the management, to my surprise he say no...Then I ask is my position part of the management, he say yes but for now its Ana...

So it make me think...VPA nie nak ketepi kan ke nak buang aku ke? jadi tanda tanya...Or isit because aku sedara Khailee??? and I mix around with orang lama VPA yg dah resign? Seriously aku mcm rasa this are the reasons... For me aku being professional hal luar aku tk mix around...So what if aku hang around dengan orang yang dah kluar dari VPA..SO?? salah ke? Aku blom tender pun resignation letter asal krg nak buat aku gini?? Aku have not being updated tentang VPA activities from Kolej till now..So u tell me am I still in VPA??

And FYI, takda 1 pun orang dari management invite aku to the KOLEG 56 nye production...And takde org pun bilang aku yg aku no longer in management...Is this how VPA work? By 1st September kalau aku tk di update or get any explanation or apologies, then I guess you dont need my services any more and I'll resign from VPA is i still dont hear any news from VPA...


~ { 1:16 AM }
surrounded by colours of the rainbow;